
Rust Belt Road Trip Update


  1. Congrats on the gallery showing.
    I thought of you often on my trip out west to Arizona and Oregon. We also spent a week in Nebraska---you REALLY need to go through Nebraska---pick the OLD backroads (used to be highways) Man, the old buildings are incredible.
    Another place for future trips that would be good for you is North Dakota.
    I'm excited to get caught up on your blog----hubby and I were gone a month, and now I've been sick for 2 weeks, so I'd better get busy.
    Take care, kiddo

    1. Thanks, Sue! I passed through Nebraska on my way to the Rust Belt and took some time to check out a few really neat places, including old storefronts and gas stations in the town of Roscoe and a very creepy abandoned meat packing plant (slaughterhouse) in Cozad.
      I just love the beauty of the Nebraska countryside. Some people say Nebraska is boring, but it's probably because they aren't taking the time to stray from the interstate.
      I hope you and your hubby enjoyed your trip. I'm sorry you've been sick. I hope you're feeling much better!
